
01 March 2019

Eamon O’Kane “An Ideal Collection”



MARCH 1 – 30 2019


Gallery Christoffer Egelund is proud to present the exhibition An Ideal Collection, a solo show by the Irish artist Eamon O’Kane.

In this exhibition O’Kane presents his ongoing series of paintings entitled An Ideal Collection for the first time in Denmark. The exhibition also includes paintings based on Louisiana Museum of Modern Art and works based on the architecture of Mies Van De Rohe, Lina Bo Bardi, Eileen Gray, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Richard Neutra. As former Senior Curator of the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Catherine Marshall states;

OʼKane plays on the notions of the ideal; the ideal studio, the ideal art collection, the ideal museum in his work. The concept, for OʼKane as for Plato, the philosopher most deeply associated with it, clearly indicates the impossibility of its existence, in anything other than an imagined or spiritual sense. So OʼKaneʼs work posits an imaginary world against which to experience the real one. In a very personal way he draws together some of the icons of art history, contemporary as well as historic, that inevitably impacted on his practice and his thinking as a young artist. Coming from a generation profoundly informed by the writing of Freud and Barthes, OʼKane knows that it is impossible for any of us to acknowledge all the sources of our creativity, since many are deeply embedded in unconscious memory. He opts for open revelation instead of pretending, as so many artists have done, that they achieved what they did single-handedly.’

Eamon O’Kane (b. 1974) is a Irish artist lives and works in Denmark and Norway. Since 2011, he has been a professor of Visual Art and Painting at Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Norway. O’Kane’s multi-disciplinary practice has consistently been drawn to architectural contexts, whether in his Froebel Studio installation works that explore environments of play, or else in works such as Glass House that presented a scaled model of Philip Johnson’s iconic Glass House which was exhibited at California 101 in San Francisco and then at his first museum solo exhibition to mark the 50th anniversary of the Sheldon Museum in Lincoln, Nebraska. O’Kane has exhibited widely in exhibitions curated by Dan Cameron, Lynne Cooke, Klaus Ottman, Salah M.Hassan, Jeremy Millar, Angelike Nollert, Yilmaz Dziewior, and others. He has been a recipient of the Taylor Art Award, the Tony O’Malley Award, a Fulbright Award, an EV+A open award (Dan Cameron), the IMMA residency in Dublin, the BSR Scholarship in Rome, the CCI residency in Paris, and a Pollock Krasner Foundation grant. He has been short-listed for the AIB Prize, the PS1 studio fellowship in New York, and the Jerwood Drawing Prize in London. He has had over 80 solo exhibitions internationally, including in New York, London, Berlin, Frankfurt, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Paris, Copenhagen, Oslo, Bergen, Dublin, Belfast, and Cork. He has participated in numerous biennales including EVA, Limerick, Luleå Biennal, Norwegian Sculpture Biennal, and Dublin Contemporary.

Gallery Christoffer Egelund invites you to the opening of the show Eamon O’Kane Friday, Mar. 1. 4-7 pm. The artist will be present during the opening reception. The show runs until Mar., 2019. Opening hours: Tuesday–Friday from 11am-6pm, Saturday from 12am-4pm. For more information regarding the works and, please contact the gallery at or phone no. +45 33939200. Please visit for more details.


Galleri Christoffer Egelund præsenterer med stolthed udstillingen An Ideal Collection. Det er den anden soloudstilling i galleriet af den irske kunstner Eamon O’Kane.

I denne udstilling præsenterer O’Kane for første gang i Danmark sin samling af malerier under titlen An Ideal Collection. Udstillingen omfatter også malerier med inspiration fra Louisiana Museum of Modern Art og værker inspireret af arkitekturen fra Mies Van De Rohe, Lina Bo Bardi, Eileen Gray, Frank Lloyd Wright og Richard Neutra. Tidligere seniorkurator for Irish Museum of Modern Art, Catherine Marshall, siger således om udstillingen:

”O’Kane spiller på ideerne om det ideelle; det ideelle studie, den ideelle kunstsamling, det ideelle museum i sit arbejde. Konceptet hos O’Kane ligner det, som vi kender fra Platon. Filosofien er dybt forbundet med konceptet om, at det ideelle ikke eksisterer i den virkelige verden, men derimod kun i en forestillet eller åndelig forstand. Så O’Kane’s arbejde viser en imaginær verden, imod hvilken man oplever den virkelige. På en meget personlig måde trækker på nogle af de mest ikoniske værker i kunsthistorien. Det gælder både nutidige og historiske værker, der alle har påvirket hans maleri og tænkning som ung kunstner.”

O’Kane tilhører en generation, der har et indgående kendskab til både Freuds og Barthes tænkning, og derfor ved O’Kane, at det er umuligt for nogen af os at være bevidste om alle kilder til vores kreativitet, fordi mange af dem er dybt indlejret i vores ubevidste hukommelse. Han vælger, i modsætning til andre kunstnere, en åben tilgang i stedet for at foregive, at han har skabt sine værker uden indflydelse udefra.

Eamon O’Kane (f. 1974) er en irsk kunstner, der bor og arbejder i Danmark og Norge. Siden 2011 har han været professor i billedkunst og maleri på Bergen Kunstakademi i Norge. O’Kane’s tværfaglige værker er konsekvent blevet trukket ind i en arkitektonisk kontekst. Det gælder hans Froebel Studio installationsarbejde, der udforsker miljøer af spil, ellers i værker som Glass House, der præsenterede en skaleret model af Philip Johnsons ikoniske Glass House, som blev udstillet på California 101 i San Francisco. Det samme gælder den første museums soloudstilling, der markerede 50-årsdagen for Sheldon Museum i Lincoln, Nebraska.

O’Kanes værker er fremvist på udstillinger kurateret af blandt andre Dan Cameron, Lynne Cooke, Klaus Ottman, Salah M. Hassan, Jeremy Millar, Angelike Nollert, Yilmaz Dziewior og mange andre. Han har modtaget en Taylor Art Award, Tony O’Malley Award, Fulbright Award, EV+A Open Award (Dan Cameron), IMMA Residency i Dublin, BSR-stipendiet i Rom, CCI-ophold i Paris samt et Pollock Krasner Foundation-tilskud. Derudover har han kandideret til en AIB Prize, PS1-studiefællesskabet i New York og Jerwood Drawing Prize i London.

Han har internationalt haft over 80 soloudstillinger i både New York, London, Berlin, Frankfurt, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Paris, København, Oslo, Bergen, Dublin, Belfast og Cork. Han har deltaget i mange internationale udstillinger, herunder EVA, Limerick, Luleå Biennal, Norwegian Sculpture Biennal og Dublin Contemporary.

Galleri Christoffer Egelund inviterer dig til åbningen af udstillingen An Ideal Collection af Eamon O’Kane fredag den 1. marts kl. 16-19. Kunstneren vil være til stede under åbningsreceptionen. Udstillingen løber frem til 30. marts 2019. Åbningstider: tirsdag-fredag fra kl. 11-18 og lørdage fra kl. 11-16. Hvis du ønsker mere information om værkerne, er du velkommen til at kontakte galleriet på eller telefon nr. +45 33939200. Besøg for yderligere oplysninger.