
01 July 2011

In keeping with tradition, we proudly present the big annual summer show SUMMERTIME 11..


In keeping with tradition, we proudly present the big annual summer show SUMMERTIME 11, where 15 artist from the international art scene is presented. The target is to introduce new promising young talents and to show many expressive variations within contemporary art.

We are very excited to present new works by our permanent artists: Mikkel S. Andersen, Crystel Ceresa (CH), Ghost of a Dream (US), Thierry Feuz (AU), Morten Steen Hebsgaard, Louise Hindsgavl, Jason Jagel (US), Michael Johansson (SE), Adam Saks, Maria Torp and Theis Wendt.

This year invited guest artists are: Silas Inoue, Christoffer Joergensen (CH/DK), Sussanna Majuri (FL), Henrik S. Simonsen (UK), Mike Swaney (CA), Rasmus Danø.

We invite you to the opening reception Friday December 8th. from 16 – 19. Serving delicious cold white wine, red wine, ice cold beer and snacks. The exhibition runs from July 8 – August 13. Opening hours: Monday – Friday from 11-18, Saturdays from 12-16. For further information and press photos etc. please contact the gallery on: or call +45 33 93 92 00

Please note the gallery is closed from July 15 – August 2.
We whish you all a good summer.