
14 May 2012

Please join us for our next show Mulatto or Gray by Mikkel S. Andersen and Morten Skrøder Lund, Opening reception friday May 18

Galleri Christoffer Egelund proudly present ”Mulatto or Gray”, a dialogue show with new  works from the two young and talented artists Mikkel S. Andersen and Morten Skrøder Lund. They both graduated from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2009 and work in a variety of medias.

Entitled “Mulatto or Gray” the two artists want to compare their artistic process to the act of mixing mulatto and gray. When they begin developing a piece, the outcome rarely ends up looking like first expected. Consciously or unconsciously, the processes are often changed around. The same thing happens when you mix the color gray. By using trial, the outcome often surprises.

Mikkel S. Andersen is especially known for his dramatic works, in which innocent playthings and depictions of living creatures are put into new and bizarre contexts. This clash is very evident in the exhibition’s collage series. Here we see different depictions of adorable puppies, including them climbing a pair of female buttocks. Mikkel S. Andersen is also showing paintings made using acrylic and spray-paints. The work in this series appears more abstract, and seems to draw lines back to the drip paintings of the 1950s.

Morten Skrøder Lund participates with works of different medias. “Scala Across Tivoli CPH” is a painting that at first glance seems of a purely abstract language, but then light reflections from Scala’s large glass facade seems to emerge. No doubt that the artist masters the art of creating balance in his paintings. Besides painting, he also shows the installation “Drag”, a readymade, which consists of a steel gloss resonant guitar lying face down, and with the strings stretched to the gallery wall. “Drag” definitely makes you wonder and creates a debate.

Mikkel S. Andersen (b. 1978) works in painting, collage and sculpture. He is concerned with themes like bitterness, sickness, play and the joy of life, often with a good sense of humor. Andersen has exhibited at the Lan-Lan Gallery in Beijing, China, at The Central City Museum of Art in Mongolia, and he has participated in groupshows at Galleri Christoffer Egelund among others.

Morten Skrøder Lund (f.1980) has shown his works at solo exhibitions at koh-i-noor and Gallery Christian Andersen, and he has participated in groupshows at Gallery David Risley, Vestjyllands Kunstmuseum, and in Germany, Mexico and Iceland. Besides his degree from the Royal Academy in Copenhagen, he also holds a degree in Nordic Soundart from 2009.

Galleri Christoffer Egelund invites You to the opening of the show ”Mulatto or Gray” on Friday May 18th from 4pm – 7pm. At the opening Mikkel S. Andersen and Morten Skrøder Lund will be present. The exhibition will run from May 18th – June 16th. Opening hours: Monday – Friday from 11-18, Saturdays from 12-16. For further information and press photographs, please contact the gallery at: or at +45 33 93 92 00.