
11 March 2016

Reality Perceived



REALITY PERCEIVED / 11.03.16-09.04.2016

Despite consciousness is possibly the most universal in human existence, a topic which has also been subjected to scrutiny in philosophy as well as in science since the dawn of time. There is still no general consensus regarding the nature of consciousness or its activities. There exists however, streams of complicated explanatory models which in fact contradict one another.

All this makes the topic suitable for the artist’s intuitive meditation; moreover in art there lies the potential for gesticulative non-liner reflections concerning consciousness.

The uncertainty pertaining to consciousness could be due to the nonverbal and metaphysical nature of the subject matter, which makes the topic an obvious choice for research within the realm of art without drawing any direct conclusions.

Curated by Svend Sømod and Jonas Hvid Søndergaard

VIRKELIGHEDEN PÅ NETHINDEN / 11.03.16-09.04.2016

Trods bevidsthed måske er det mest universelle i menneskets tilværelse og har været genstand for granskning i filosofi og videnskab siden tidernes morgen, er der ingen konsensus om bevidsthedens beskaffenhed eller mekanisme. Der findes et hav af komplicerede forklaringsmodeller der modsiger hinanden på kryds og tværs. Uvisheden om bevidstheden skyldes måske dens non-verbale og metafysiske natur, hvilket i så fald gør emnet oplagt, kunstnerisk at undersøge uden behov for direkte konklusioner.

Kurateret af Svend Sømod og Jonas Hvid Søndergaard