
29 April 2015

View installation shots from our current exhibition with Javier Tapia

Danish-Chilean artist Javier Tapia is currently on display at Galleri Christoffer Egelund with the solo show HIGH DENSITY; Fragments, Stories and Traditions.

The assemblages are huge collages which take up the whole gallery and turn in to a total installation and something to experience in real life. Whilst navigating through the thoroughly worked through images of Tapia, the viewer can gaze at the beautifully composed scattering of found material and admire the huge amount of work behind it. However, if one digs deeper into the content of the assemblages, the story behind the images reveal themselves, as Javier Tapia uses his own background growing up in Chile to investigate cultural contrasts between the western civilization and the rest of world.

The exhibition runs in Galleri Christoffer Egelund on Bredgade 75, Copenhagen, until 16th of May 2015.

View exhibition here